Publications of Gábor Rétvári

A. Alcoz, B. Vass, P. Namyar, B. Arzani, G. Rétvári, and L. Vanbever. Everything matters in programmable packet scheduling. In 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '25), pages 1--1, Philadelphia, PA, 2025. USENIX Association. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

T. Lévai, B. Vass, and G. Rétvári. Programmable real-time scheduling of disaggregated network functions. In 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), pages 1--7, 2024. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

B. Vass, E. Bérczi-Kovács, Á Fraknói, C. Raiciu, and G. Rétvári. Charting the complexity landscape of compiling packet programs to reconfigurable switches. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 32(5):4519--4534, 2024. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Sebastiano Miano, Alireza Sanaee, Fulvio Risso, Gábor Rétvári, and Gianni Antichi. Morpheus: A run time compiler and optimizer for software data planes. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, (1):1--16, 2023. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Tamás Lévai, Balázs Kreith, and Gábor Rétvári. Supercharge WebRTC: Accelerate TURN services with eBPF/XDP. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on EBPF and Kernel Extensions, eBPF'23, pages 70--76, 2023. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | http ]

Vamsi Addanki, Maciej Pacut, Arash Pourdamghani, Gabor Rétvári, Stefan Schmid, and Juan Vanerio. Self-adjusting partially ordered lists. In IEEE INFOCOM 2023-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, pages 1--10. IEEE, 2023. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Péter Babarczi, Gábor Rétvári, Lajos Rónyai, and János Tapolcai. Routing on the shortest pairs of disjoint paths. In IFIP Networking Conference, pages 1--9. IFIP, 2022. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Balázs Vass, Csaba Sarkadi, and Gábor Rétvári. Programmable packet scheduling with SP-PIFO: Theory, algorithms and evaluation. In IEEE INFOCOM 2022-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), pages 1--6. IEEE, 2022. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Tamás Lévai and Gábor Rétvári. Batch-scheduling data flow graphs with service-level objectives on multicore systems. Infocommunications Journal, 14(1):43--50, 2022. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Sebastiano Miano, Alireza Sanaee, Fulvio Risso, Gábor Rétvári, and Gianni Antichi. Domain specific run time optimization for software data planes. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS 2022, pages 1148--1164. Association for Computing Machinery, 2022. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Oliver Michel, Roberto Bifulco, Gábor Rétvári, and Stefan Schmid. The programmable data plane: Abstractions, architectures, algorithms, and applications. ACM Comput. Surv., 54(4), May 2021. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Marco Chiesa, Andrzej KamisiÅ„ski, Jacek Rak, Gábor Rétvári, and Stefan Schmid. A survey of fast-recovery mechanisms in packet-switched networks. IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 23(2):1253--1301, 2021. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Ori Rottenstreich, Ariel Kulik, Ananya Joshi, Jennifer Rexford, Gábor Rétvári, and Daniel Menasché. Data plane cooperative caching with dependencies. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, pages 1--1, 2021. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Ori Rottenstreich, Ariel Kulik, Ananya Joshi, Jennifer Rexford, Gábor Rétvári, and Daniel S. Menasché. Cooperative rule caching for SDN switches. In 2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), pages 1--7, 2020. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Gábor Rétvári. L7mp: A multiprotocol service mesh for legacy applications. ServiceMeshCon NA 2020, colocated with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America, 2020. video available at [ bib | slides [PDF] | http ]

Levente Csikor, Márk Szalay, Gábor Rétvári, Gergely Pongrácz, Dimitrios P Pezaros, and László Toka. Transition to SDN is HARMLESS: Hybrid architecture for migrating legacy ethernet switches to SDN. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 28(1):275--288, 2020. [ bib ]

András Gulyás, József Bíró, Gábor Rétvári, Márton Novák, Attila Kőrösi, Mariann Slíz, and Zalán Heszberger. The role of detours in individual human navigation patterns of complex networks. Scientific reports, 10(1):1--10, 2020. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Balázs Vass, Erika Bérczi-Kovács, Costin Raiciu, and Gábor Rétvári. Compiling packet programs to reconfigurable switches: Theory and algorithms. In Proceedings of the 3rd P4 Workshop in Europe, EuroP4'20, pages 28--35, New York, NY, USA, 2020. Association for Computing Machinery. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | http ]

G. Antichi and G. Rétvári. Full-stack SDN: The next big challenge? In Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research, SOSR ’20, page 48–54, New York, NY, USA, 2020. Association for Computing Machinery. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | http ]

T. Lévai, F. Németh, B. Raghavan, and G. Rétvári. Batchy: Batch-scheduling data flow graphs with service-level objectives. In 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 20), pages 633--649, Santa Clara, CA, 2020. USENIX Association. [ bib | paper [PDF] | http ]

A. Kőrösi, A. Gulyás, Z. Heszberger, J. Bíró, and G. Rétvári. On the memory requirement of hop-by-hop routing: Tight bounds and optimal address spaces. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, pages 1--11, 2020. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Kashyap Thimmaraju, Saad Hermak, Gábor Rétvári, and Stefan Schmid. MTS: Bringing multi-tenancy to virtual networking. In 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 19), pages 521--536, Renton, WA, July 2019. USENIX Association. [ bib | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] ]

J. Tapolcai, G. Rétvári, P. Babarczi, and E. R. Bérczi-Kovács. Scalable and efficient multipath routing via redundant trees. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 37(5):982--996, May 2019. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

M. Nagy, J. Tapolcai, and G. Rétvári. R3D3: A doubly opportunistic data structure for compressing and indexing massive data. Infocommunications Journal, 11(2):58--66, January 2019. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Johannes Zerwas, Patrick Kalmbach, Laurenz Henkel, Gábor Rétvári, Wolfgang Kellerer, Andreas Blenk, and Stefan Schmid. Netboa: Self-driving network benchmarking. In Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML, page 8–14, 2019. [ bib | DOI ]

A. Kőrösi and G. Rétvári. A csomagtovábbítás skálázhatósága: korlátok és optimumok. ALKALMAZOTT MATEMATIKAI LAPOK, 36, 2019. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

J. Bíró, A. Gulyás, G. Rétvári, A. Kőrösi, Z. Heszberger, and A. Majdán. Navigáció hálózatokban Bolyai János geometriája segítségével. ALKALMAZOTT MATEMATIKAI LAPOK, 36, 2019. [ bib ]

F. Németh, M. Chiesa, and G. Rétvári. Normal forms for match-action programs. In ACM CoNEXT, pages 44--50, 2019. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

L. Csikor, D.M. Divakaran, M.S. Kang, A. Kőrösi, B. Sonkoly, D. Haja, D. Pezaros, S. Schmid, and G. Rétvári. Tuple space explosion: A denial-of-service attack against a software packet classifier. In ACM CoNEXT, pages 292--304, 2019. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

L. Linguaglossa, S. Lange, S. Pontarelli, G. Rétvári, D. Rossi, T. Zinner, R. Bifulco, M. Jarschel, and G. Bianchi. Survey of performance acceleration techniques for Network Function Virtualization. Proceedings of the IEEE, 107(4):746--764, 2019. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

T. Lévai, G. Pongrácz, P. Megyesi, P. Vörös, S. Laki, F. Németh, and G. Rétvári. The price for programmability in the software data plane: The vendor perspective. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 36(12):2621--2630, December 2018. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Marco Chiesa, Gabor Retvari, and Michael Schapira. Oblivious routing in IP networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 26(3):1292--1305, June 2018. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Máté Nagy, János Tápolcai, and Gábor Rétvári. Node virtualization for IP level resilience. IEEE/ACM Transactions of Networking, 26(3):1250--1263, June 2018. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

K. Thimmaraju, G. Rétvári, and S. Schmid. Virtual network isolation: Are we there yet? In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Security in Softwarized Networks: Prospects and Challenges (SecSon), 2018. [ bib ]

Roberto Bifulco and Gábor Rétvári. A survey on the programmable data plane: Abstractions architectures and open problems. In Proc. IEEE HPSR, 2018. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Levente Csikor, László Toka, Márk Szalay, Gergely Pongrácz, Dimitrios P Pezaros, and Gábor Rétvári. Harmless: Cost-effective transitioning to SDN for small enterprises. In Proc. IFIP Netw., pages 1--9, 2018. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Attila Kőrösi, Attila Csoma, Gábor Rétvári, Zalán Heszberger, József Bíró, János Tapolcai, István Pelle, Dávid Klajbár, Márton Novák, Valentina Halasi, et al. A dataset on human navigation strategies in foreign networked systems. Scientific data, 5:180037, 2018. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

A. Csoma, A. Kőrösi, G. Rétvári, Z. Heszberger, J. J. Bíró, M. Slíz, A. Avena-Koenigsberger, A. Griffa, P. Hagmann, and A. Gulyás. Routes obey hierarchy in complex networks. Nature Scientific Reports, 7, 2017. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, L. Molnár, G. Pongrácz, and G. Enyedi. Dynamic compilation and optimization of packet processing programs. In ACM SIGCOMM 2017 The Third Workshop on Networking and Programming Languages (NetPL), 2017. [ bib | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] ]

K. Németh, A. Körösi, and G. Rétvári. Optimal resource pooling over legacy equal-split load balancing schemes. Computer Networks, 127:243--265, 2017. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

S. Nikolenko, K. Kogan, G. Rétvári, E. Bérczi-Kovács, and A. Shalimov. How to represent IPv6 forwarding tables on IPv4 or MPLS dataplanes. In Proc. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS): GI 2016: 19th IEEE Global Internet Symposium, 2016. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

L. Molnár, G. Pongrácz, G. Enyedi, Z. L. Kis, L. Csikor, F. Juhász, A. Kőrösi, and G. Rétvári. Dataplane specialization for high performance OpenFlow software switching. In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 539--552, 2016. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] ]

M. Chiesa, G. Rétvári, and M. Schapira. Lying your way to better traffic engineering. In ACM CoNEXT, pages 391--398, 2016. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, J. Tapolcai, A. Kőrösi, A. Majdán, and Z. Heszberger. Compressing IP forwarding tables: Towards entropy bounds and beyond. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(1):149--162, 2016. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

András Gulyás, Gábor Rétvári, Zalán Heszberger, and Rachit Agarwal. On the scalability of routing with policies. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 23(5):1610--1618, October 2015. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

A. Gulyás, J. J. Bíró, A. Kőrösi, G. Rétvári, and D. Krioukov. Navigable networks as Nash equilibria of navigation games. Nature Communications, 6(7651), July 2015. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

L. Csikor and G. Rétvári. On providing fast protection with remote loop-free alternates -- analyzing and optimizing unit cost networks. Telecommunication Systems Journal, March 2015. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

J. Tapolcai, G. Rétvári, P. Babarczi, E. Bérczi-Kovács, P. Kristóf, and G. Enyedi. Scalable and efficient multipath routing: Complexity and algorithms. In 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), pages 1--10, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2015. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

G. Németh and G. Rétvári. Rate-adaptive multipath routing: Distributed, centralized, and hybrid architectures. Networks, pages 1--12, 2015. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Márton Zubor, Attila Korösi, András Gulyás, and Gábor Rétvári. On the computational complexity of policy routing. In Yvon Kermarrec, editor, Advances in Communication Networking, volume 8846 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 202--214. Springer International Publishing, 2014. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

Bence Mihálka, Attila Kőrösi, and Gábor Rétvári. Compressing virtual forwarding information bases using the trie-folding algorithm. In Yvon Kermarrec, editor, Advances in Communication Networking, volume 8846 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 121--133. Springer International Publishing, 2014. [ bib | DOI ]

A. Majdán, G. Rétvári, J. Tapolcai, and A. Kőrösi. Development and performance evaluation of fast combinatorial unranking implementations. In IFIP EUNICE, Rennes, France, 2014. [ bib ]

A. Kőrösi, J. Tapolcai, B. Mihálka, G. Mészáros, and G. Rétvári. Compressing IP forwarding tables: Realizing information-theoretical space bounds and fast lookups simultaneously. In Proc. IEEE ICNP, 2014. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, D. Szabó, A. Gulyás, A. Kőrösi, and J. Tapolcai. An information-theoretic approach to routing scalability. In ACM HotNets-XIII, pages 1--7, 2014. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] ]

J. Tapolcai and G. Rétvári. Router virtualization for improving IP-level resilience. In IEEE INFOCOM, pages 935--943, April 2013. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, J. Tapolcai, A. Kőrösi, A. Majdán, and Z. Heszberger. Compressing IP forwarding tables: Towards entropy bounds and beyond. In ACM SIGCOMM, pages 111--122, 2013. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] ]

K. Németh, A. Körösi, and G. Rétvári. Optimal OSPF traffic engineering using legacy Equal Cost Multipath load balancing. In IFIP Networking Conference 2013, pages 1--9, 2013. [ bib ]

L. Csikor, G. Rétvári, and J. Tapolcai. High availability in the Future Internet. In Alex Galis and Anastasius Gavras, editors, The Future Internet, volume 7858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 64--76. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, A. Gulyás, Z. Heszberger, M. Csernai, and J.J. Bíró. Compact policy routing. Distributed Computing, 26(5):309--320, 2013. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

K. Németh and G. Rétvári. Traffic splitting algorithms in multipath networks: Is the present practice good enough? In the 15th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, (Networks 2012), October 2012. [ bib ]

G. Rétvári, Z. Csernátony, A. Kőrösi, J. Tapolcai, A. Császár, G. Enyedi, and G. Pongrácz. Compressing IP forwarding tables for fun and profit. In ACM HotNets-XI. ACM, October 2012. [ bib | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

L. Csikor and G. Rétvári. IP Fast Reroute with Remote Loop-Free Alternates: The unit link cost case. In Proceedings of RNDM 2012, the 4th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling, pages 16--22, October 2012. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

G. Németh and G. Rétvári. Towards a statistical characterization of the competitiveness of oblivious routing (short paper). SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev., 40(1):387--388, June 2012. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

L. Csikor, J. Tapolcai, and G. Rétvári. Optimizing IGP link costs for improving IP-level resilience with Loop-Free Alternates. Computer Communications, 2012. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

M. Nagy, J. Tapolcai, and G. Rétvári. Optimization methods for improving IP-level fast protection for local Shared Risk Groups with Loop-Free Alternates. Telecommunication Systems, 2012. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

Cs. Simon, F. Németh, F. Uzsák, G. Rétvári, F. Ficsor, and R. Vida. Autonomic DHCPv6 architecture. In GLOBECOM Workshops, 2011 IEEE, pages 620--624, December 2011. [ bib | DOI ]

M. Nagy and G. Rétvári. An evaluation of approximate network optimization methods for improving IP-level fast protection with Loop-free Alternates. In Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 2011 3rd International Congress on, pages 1--7, October 2011. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, L. Csikor, J. Tapolcai, G. Enyedi, and A. Császár. Optimizing IGP link costs for improving IP-level resilience (best paper award). In Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2011 8th International Workshop on the, pages 62--69, October 2011. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, A. Gulyás, Z. Heszberger, M. Csernai, and J.J. Bíró. Compact policy routing. In ACM PODC 2011, pages 149--158, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, J. Tapolcai, G. Enyedi, and A. Császár. IP Fast ReRoute: Loop Free Alternates revisited. In IEEE INFOCOM 2011, pages 2948--2956, 2011. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, F. Németh, I. Hokelek, M. Fecko, A. Prakash, R. Chaparadza, M. Wodzak, and B. Vidalenc. A guideline for realizing the vision on Autonomic Networking: Implementing self-adaptive routing on top of OSPF. In Phan Cong-vinh, editor, Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development, and Verification. Information Science Reference - Imprint of: IGI Publishing, Hershey, PA, 1st edition, 2011. [ bib ]

M. Csernai, A. Gulyás, G. Rétvári, Z. Heszberger, and A. Császár. The skeleton of the internet. In IEEE GLOBECOM, pages 1--5, November 2010. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári and G. Németh. On optimal multipath rate-adaptive routing. In 15th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2010), Riccione, Italy, June 2010. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári and G. Németh. Demand-oblivious routing: Distributed vs. centralized approaches. In IEEE INFOCOM 2010, March 2010. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Enyedi and G. Rétvári. Finding multiple maximally redundant trees in linear time. Periodica Polytechnica, 54:29--40, 2010. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Németh and G. Rétvári. Hybrid demand oblivious routing: Hyper-cubic partitions and theoretical upper bounds. In 7th International ICST Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BROADNETS 2010), pages 25--27, 2010. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] ]

G. Rétvári, F. Németh, C. Ranganai, and R. Szabó. OSPF for implementing self-adaptive routing in autonomic networks: A case study. In MACE'09, the 4th International Workshop on Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments, October 2009. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

F. Németh, G. Rétvári, Z. Heszberber, and A. Gulyás. Demystifying self-awareness of autonomic systems. In Proc., ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit (MobileSummit), Santander, Spain, June 2009. [ bib | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári. The geometry of networking, part II. In Proceedings of High Speed Networking 2009 Spring Workshop, Balatonkenese, Hungary, May 2009. [ bib ]

G. Enyedi, G. Rétvári, and A Császár. On finding maximally redundant trees in strictly linear time. In IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009), pages 206--211, Tunesia, 2009. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Enyedi, P. Szilágyi, G. Rétvári, and A Császár. IP fast reroute: Lightweight Not-Via without additional addresses. In IEEE INFOCOM'09 Mini-Conference, pages 2771--2775, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2009. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Enyedi, P. Szilágyi, G. Rétvári, and A Császár. IP fast reroute: Lightweight Not-Via. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings of the IFIP Networking'09, pages 157--168, Aachen, Germany, 2009. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Enyedi and G. Rétvári. Gyors hibajavítás IP hálózatokban (in hungarian). Híradástechnika, 64:20--24, 2009. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

P. Fodor, G. Enyedi, G. Rétvári, and T. Cinkler. Layer-preference policies in multi-layer GMPLS networks. Photonic Network Communications, 18:300--313, 2009. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

P. Fodor, G. Enyedi, G. Rétvári, and T. Cinkler. An efficient and practical layer-preference policy for routing in GMPLS networks. In the 13th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, (Networks 2008), September 2008. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Enyedi and G. Rétvári. A loop-free interface-based fast reroute technique. In Next Generation Internet Networks, 2008. NGI 2008, pages 39--44, April 2008. [ bib | DOI ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. On shortest path representation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(6):1293--1306, December 2007. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

A. Császár, G. Enyedi, M. Hidell, G. Rétvári, and P. Sjödin. Converging the evolution of router architectures and IP networks. IEEE Network Magazine, Special Issue on Advances in Network Systems Architecture, 21(4):8--14, July 2007. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Enyedi, G. Rétvári, and T. Cinkler. A novel loop-free IP Fast Reroute algorithm. In Proc., 13th EUNICE Open European Summer School, July 2007. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. Routing-independent fairness in capacitated networks. In Proc., IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. Fairness in capacitated networks: a polyhedral approach. In IEEE INFOCOM 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2007. [ bib | DOI | slides [PDF] | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári. The geometry of networking, part I. In Proceedings of High Speed Networking 2007 Spring Workshop, Balatonkenese, Hungary, May 2007. [ bib ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. Novel methods for traffic engineering in legacy IP networks. In Proc., World Telecommunications Congress (WTC), Budapest, Hungary, May 2006. [ bib | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. On improving the accuracy of OSPF Traffic Engineering. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings of the Fifth International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, pages 51--62, Coimbra, Portugal, 2006. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

J. Tapolcai, P. Fodor, G. Rétvári, M. Maliosz, and T. Cinkler. Class-based minimum interference routing for traffic engineering in optical networks. In Proc., 1st EuroNGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks Traffic Engineering, Rome, Italy, April 2005. [ bib ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, T. Cinkler, and T. Henk. A precomputation scheme for minimum interference routing: the Least-Critical-Path-First algorithm. In IEEE INFOCOM 2005, Miami, Florida, USA, March 2005. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári and T. Cinkler. Practical OSPF traffic engineering. IEEE Commununications Letters, 8:689--691, November 2004. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. A novel Lagrangian-relaxation to the minimum cost multicommodity flow problem and its application to OSPF traffic engineering. In Proceedings of the The Ninth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2004), volume 2, pages 957--962, Alexandria, Egypt, June 2004. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, J. J. Bíró, and T. Cinkler. Minimum interference routing: The precomputation perspective. In Proceedings of High Speed Networking 2004 Spring Workshop, pages 106--109, Budapest, Hungary, May 2004. [ bib | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári, R. Szabó, and J. J. Bíró. On the representability of arbitrary path sets as shortest paths: Theory, algorithms, and complexity. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings of the Third International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, pages 1180--1191, Athens, Greece, May 2004. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

J. Szigeti, J. Tapolcai, G. Rétvári, L. Láposi, and T. Cinkler. Útvonalkijelölés és forgalomelvezetés több tartományú kapcsolt optikai hálózatokban (hungarian). Híradástechnika, 59:42--49, February 2004. [ bib ]

G. Rétvári. Minimum interference routing: The precomputation perspective. In Proc., 6th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 246--258, Belfast, UK, September 2003. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

T. Szénási and G. Rétvári. Design and implementation of a traffic management functionality for RSVP. Híradástechnika (Communications), 57:21--27, December 2002. [ bib ]

J. Levendovszky, R. Szabó, G. Rétvári, Á. Marquetant, and Cs. Végső. Novel approach to traffic engineering in packet switched networks -- an analytic approach. In Proceedings of High Speed Networking 2002 Spring Workshop, pages 27--28, Budapest, Hungary, May 2002. [ bib ]

J. Levendovszky, G. Rétvári, and Cs. Végső. Statisztikus egyenlőtlenségek elméletén alapuló QoS útvonalkeresés hiányos linkinformáció esetén (hungarian). Híradástechnika, 56:3--13, November 2001. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

J. Levendovszky, A. Fancsali, G. Rétvári, and Cs. Végső. QoS routing with incomplete information by analog computing algorithms. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services, volume 56, pages 127--137, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2001. [ bib | DOI | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

J. Levendovszky, T. Dávid, A. Fancsali, G. Rétvári, and Cs. Végső. QoS routing in packet switched networks -- novel algorithms for routing with incomplete information. In Proceedings of 9th IFIP Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM & IP Networks, pages 249--260, Budapest, Hungary, June 2001. [ bib | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

J. Levendovszky, A. Fancsali, Cs. Végső, and G. Rétvári. Quadratic optimization algorithms for QoS routing with incomplete information. In Proceedings of High Speed Networking 2001 Spring Workshop, pages 113--119, Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 2001. [ bib ]

G. Rétvári, R. Szabó, and Á. Marquetant. A novel approach to traffic engineering - core state limited load sharing. In Proceedings of PCH 2001 - 2001 Polish-Czech-Hungarian Workshop on Circuit Theory, Signal Processing, and Telecommunication Networks, pages 114--122, Budapest, Hungary, 2001. [ bib ]

G. Rétvári. Issues on QoS based routing in the Integrated Services Internet. In Proceedings of EUNICE '00, pages 69--76, Enschede, Netherlands, September 2000. [ bib | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

G. Rétvári and R. Szabó. QoS-based routing and IP multicasting: a framework. In Proceedings of EUNICE '99, pages 51--56, Barcelona, Spain, September 1999. [ bib | paper [PDF] ]

K. Kiss and G. Rétvári. Verification of a new scalable IP/ATM multicast routing protocol. In Proceedings of EUNICE '99, pages 89--94, Barcelona, Spain, September 1999. [ bib | paper [PDF] | Abstract ]

K. Kiss and G. Rétvári. Multicast útvonalválasztás ATM feletti IP hálózatokban (hungarian). Magyar Távközlés, May 1999. [ bib ]

K. Kiss and G. Rétvári. SEAM and MNS: a new scalable multicast routing protocol in IP over ATM networks. In Proceedings of Vehicular Technology Conference, 1999. VTC 1999 - Fall. IEEE VTS 50th, volume 2, pages 1268--1272, 1999. [ bib ]

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