Gábor Rétvári, PhD — Senior Research Fellow, BME

Gábor Rétvári received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1999 and 2007. He is now a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, and a part-time Senior Research Fellow at Ericsson Research, Hungary. His research interests include programmable HW/SW switch and router design, scalable routing architectures, algorithms and data structures for networking, cloud-native computing and cloud networking, and software-defined networking and the service mesh. He is a co-founder and the CTO of L7mp Technologies, a company dedicated scalable real-time communications service provisioning over Kubernetes.

Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2.
Phone: +36-1-463-2403
Twitter: @littleredspam
Email: ---Photo---


  • Joint paper with Albert Gran Alcoz and Laurent Vanbever from ETH Zürich, Pooria Namyar from the USC, Behnaz Arzani from Microsoft Research, and Balázs Vass from the Babeș-Bolyai University appears at USENIX NSDI'25! We hope to settle the programmable packet scheduling problem for good: our scheduler PACKS handles both admission control (as of AIFO) and packet prioritization (as of SP-PIFO) in a single P4-compatible package and provides best of breed PIFO approximation both in simulations and testbed evaluations. Paper is available here, and here is the obligatory Twitter/X thread.
  • Our paper on self-adjusting packet classification was presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2023. Preprint available here.
  • Our paper, Morpheus: A Domain Specific Compiler and Optimizer for Software Data Planes, appears at ACM ASPLOS! See the obligatory Twitter thread! Journal version is available in the IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking.
  • Two new surveys are now online. The first one, titled A Survey of Fast-Recovery Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks, appears in the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IF: 25). A collaboration of an international team, this work overviewsthe fast-recovery mechanisms proposed in the last 20 years for restoring data plane connectivity in packet switched networks. The second survey, titled The Programmable Data Plane: Abstractions, Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, comprehensively reviews the state-of-the-art in network programmability and SDN data planes. Appears at the ACM Computing Surveys (IF: 10.2), preprint is available here.
  • L7mp, our new multiprotocol service mesh for legacy telco applications, gets its first public announcement at ServiceMeshCon NA 2020, colocated with KubeCon/CloudNativeCon NA 2020. Presentation is now online.
  • Our paper Full-stack SDN: The Next Big Challenge?, challenging the current practice of software-defined networking being restricted to the lower 3 layers of the protocol stack (Link, Network and partially Transport), has been accepted to ACM SOSR'20. The motivation for this work is the recent service-mesh hype in the cloud-native community and whether there is anything we could do about it in the SDN area. Turns our we can: we argue that it is time to extend SDN all the way up into the Application layer, which has all sorts of interesting consequences. This is joint work with Gianni Antichi from Queen Mary University, London. See the full paper, the talk and the slides online.
  • Amazing news, we got accepted to USENIX NSDI'20! The paper is titled Batchy: Batch-scheduling Data Flow Graphs with Service-level Objectives and it is just about what the title says: feeding packet processing functions in a software switch with as large packet-batches as possible, and thereby exploiting well-known batch-processing gains, subject to delay constraints. This is joint work with Tamás Lévai, Barath Raghavan and Felicián Németh. See the full paper and the obligatory tweet!
  • Two papers accepted to ACM CoNEXT'19. The first one is a short paper on removing inherent redundancy from match-action programs in a systematic way, very similar to how it's done in relational database normalization, and the other is a full paper on exploiting certain algorithmic corner cases in the venerable tuple-space-search packet classification algorithm for malicious purposes and whether there's anything one can do about it.
  • Take a look at the The Internet Routing Entropy Monitor for 6 years of scalability statistics and historical trends from the Internet data plane.

Recent publications

See selected publications and a full publication list (also with abstracts). CV is available here.


  • Programming Cloud Native Network Services in Go (Felhő alapú hálózati szolgáltatások programozása), VITMMA22, (Syllabus/Exercises and labs)
  • Applied Optimization and Game Theory (Alkalmazott optimalizálás és játékelmélet), VITMD097, (Hungarian/English)
  • The Internet Ecosystem and Evolution (Az internet ökoszisztémája és evolúciója, Inf MSc Internet architektúra és szolgáltatások főspecializáció, VITMMA00V)

Created: 2024-12-19 Thu 15:31