Net::WLAN is a OO interface to the Linux Wireless Extensions to query and
set the configuration of wireless interfaces and scan wireless networks.

        use Net::WLAN qw/:all/;

        # enumerate the WLAN interfaces attached to your Linux box
        @interfaces = wlan_enum;

        # set all your interfaces to channel 7
        $_->channel(7) for @interfaces;

        # set the configuration of ethX
        $ethX = Net::WLAN::Interface->new("ethX");
                      Essid   => 'NEW_ESSID',
                      Channel => 7,
                      Mode    => $IW_MODE_MASTER,

        # scan on an interface and print the name and adress of all WLANs seen
        print "Found WLAN: " . $_->{Name} . " (" . $_->{Address} . ")\n"
            foreach wlan_scan("ethX");

    This is a very simple Perl module, which allows you to do the most basic
    house-keeping on your WLAN interfaces and the wireless LANs in your
    proximity. It can query and set the configuration of your wireless
    interfaces and enumerate all of them. Furthermore, Net::WLAN can scan
    through any of your WLAN interfaces and give back the networks found in
    a fancy list of Net::WLAN::Interface objects.

    The power of Net::WLAN lies in its simplicity: it can do the 90 percent
    of your everyday WLAN administration work with 10 percent of the effort
    you needed this far. For example, the distribution comes with a
    re-implementation of the infamous "iwconfig" utility in less then 50
    lines of Perl.

    WARNING: this is a Linux-only module (it should really be called
    Linux::WLAN instead). The reason for this is that this module is a
    wrapper around the Linux Wireless Extensions framework, which is not
    really portable, neither amongst Unices. But see Net::WLAN::IWLib, the
    work-horse under this module, for more information of this.


    WLAN::Interface, WLAN::Network, Wireless Tools, Swig.

    Gabor Retvari -, Zoltan Feher -

    Based on Wireless Tools written by Jean Tourrilhes -

    Copyright (C) 2004 by Zoltan feher and Gabor Retvari. All rights
    reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Consult the documentation of the Linux Wireless Extensions library for
    copyright information on the IWLIB library.

Download Net::WLAN
